7 Elements to Boost your Landing pages

There is no standard way of creating a good landing page or a one size fits all instructions guide, because landing pages have many differentiating factors. They can be as different as their visitors. Each of them has a different reader, a different call to action, a different niche, a different product or service to promote..But there are a few essential components that will surely help you get there.

  1. Good Headline
  2. Clear Concept
  3. Sign up/Conversion form
  4. Free content course to download
  5. Clear Goal
  6. Call-to-action
  7. Sub headline
  8. Simple Layout(No extra text, images or unwanted content

Headline: The headline is the first thing visitors first notice when they “Land” on any landing page. A good landing page headline covers up the offering a short and crisp manner, and answers the question, “What will visitors who convert on this page receive?”

Content: The content on the landing page should be simple, concise and written in a easily understandable manner. It should not mislead visitors or confuse them. Rather just put out the purpose clearly.

Placement of Site Elements: The placement of that messaging and call-to-action is equally as important as the words themselves. The perfect call-to-action makes no sense if the visitor is not attracted towards it. Placing the key elements where one can only see it when scrolled is a big NO. If it doesn’t grab the attention in the first few moments, it will not be highlighting.

Social Platform Buttons/Links: Social media platforms help increasing the reach of your landing page beyond your own network of contacts, fans and followers.

Clear Call-to-action: Almost immediately, a visitor should know what your site wants them to do. Make a clear, simple yet effective call to action directed towards an optimized landing page.

Conversion Form: The most Important component of any landing page is conversion form or sign up form. It’s where page visitors provide their information in return for the offer, converting them into a sales leads.

Image: That one hero image that is relevant and clearly explains your purpose in one picture. Avoid putting multiple images that are not relevant.

Simplicity: A landing page with too much information scattered in every which direction is going to make a visitor’s head spin and cause them to quickly hit the back button.


The above components are important for designing an effective landing page. You can use these points to create a more converting and powerful landing page. Landing pages not only help you to generate new leads; they also allow you to track re conversions of leads that already exist, which you can then use to identify which customers are more engaged with your business. This also enables you to collect better intelligence on your leads’ behaviors and activities on your website. A landing page is a place where people buy, customer click, and you make revenue. It is the place where your efforts finally come to fruition.

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7 Elements to Boost your Landing pages